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28 Oct 2007 by Time
irc.corbe.net links to ircsource
irc.corbe.net, located in San Diego, has just joined the IRCsource network. The administrator of the server is hohum and it is open to all.
15 May 2007 by suom1
irc.unixnetwork.net delinked
For the same reason as irc.routed.de, irc.unixnetwork.net is getting delinked. The reason is simply not being able to get in contact with the admin and being split for too long. IRCsource is sad to see this server go away.
15 May 2007 by suom1
irc.routed.de delinked
Reason why irc.routed.de has delinked is that the admin has been unreachable and the server have been split way too long. We're sad to see this server from Germany go.
28 Mar 2007 by suom1
New finnish server, irc.mupp.fi
IRCsource is happy to take in a new server located in Finland. The admin of the server is suom1 who was the admin on ircsource.unimatrix.fi before on this network.
21 Mar 2007 by Time
irc.thrusting.me.uk relinks to ircsource
KG648 is now back on track and has relinked irc.thrusting.me.uk. As last time it is based near London in the United Kingdom and is open for all.
21 Mar 2007 by Time
ircsource.zyrki.de delinks from ircsource
Due to some trouble with the provider and the contracts Zyrkon is delinking ircsource.zyrki.de, effective as the 14th October. Sorry to see the server and Peter go.
09 Mar 2007 by Time
irc.netray.de delinks from ircsource
I am forced, once again, to bring you sad news. One of our longest running servers, irc.netray.de, run by sealie and Z-Wing has been delinked. This is due to Z-Wing not having time to partner sealie on the project. Very sorry to see the server go.
04 Mar 2007 by Time
Small re-design of the news
Hardy has been bugging me to make the news more manageable for ages now. So, I did it! I'm not a coder of any description so I merely used cutephpnews or whatever it's called. I hope it's okay for everyone. Also, I moved the "old news", i.e. before these newest 10 entries to <a href="http://www.ircsource.net/old_index.php">here</a> if anyone does ever want to read them again.
28 Feb 2007 by Time
irc.gorbel.no delinks from ircsource
I find this piece of news really saddening to write because I have the utmost respect for moore and his server but he has announced that he is delinking irc.gorbel.no. He will remain on as a second admin on ircsource.ltd.se, however. I, for one, am really sorry to see gorbel go.
26 Feb 2007 by Time
irc.net-addicts.net links to ircsource
irc.net-addicts.net located in Amsterdam, Netherlands has just joined the ircsource network. The administrator of the server is tydel and it is open for all.

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